In traditional school we're given countless worksheets, syllabi, textbooks, rubrics and even coloring pages! In the "real world" we have to create a lot of our own content. From shopping lists to budgets to résumés--we often have to start with a blank page and figure it out! Win Room School House prepares students for not only writing the answers, but also writing the questions.
At the beginning of each year, month and week write goals, plans or ideas for the year, month and week. For early writers this can include stick figures or abbreviated words. The Success Journal should be 99.99% student compiled, but we'll allow an occasional translation or note from a parent! Examples of Life Goals (there are no wrong goals at this point in the process! Encourage any and all goals!):
Examples of Annual Goals:
Examples of Monthly Goals:
Examples of Daily Goals, Plans or Ideas:
Early writers and readers might benefit from using a grid rather than a list. Fill the grid in with drawings or abbreviations. As games, activities or projects are completed, the grid can be checked off. If a project can't be completed that day--that's ok! Move it ahead to the next day! |
Samples from Win Room School House Students:
"It's easy to support my kids in what they want to do; it's hard to lead the day and get them interested in what I want them to do." |
From journaling to self-mastery

Throughout the day or at the end of the day, students are encouraged to ask:
Stable self-mastery and confidence are formed gradually through self-evaluation, self-direction and eventual achievement.
Many of us have experienced fleeting self-mastery and the illusion of confidence from our traditional school experience. We completed the math worksheet in record time, won the Spelling Bee, and read above our grade level. And that felt so good! We were flying high seeing those As and that 4.0 GPA! We were unstoppable! The smartest person alive!!!
And then we got an A minus and that bloated self-esteem withered into rejection.
In the "real world" we have to know how to self-evaluate and adjust without comment from a teacher or authority figure. We have to be able to function without instruction, or constant comparison to our peers. We have to be able to dream up our own goals, plans and ideas and find the courage to achieve them.
Success Journaling is a key component to finding the inner voice that gives approval and guidance!
It also gives the practical component of honing basic writing skills and tracking daily activities!!
- What did I complete? Do I want to do more of this tomorrow?
- Which items were fun, frustrating, tough, impossible? Why?
Stable self-mastery and confidence are formed gradually through self-evaluation, self-direction and eventual achievement.
Many of us have experienced fleeting self-mastery and the illusion of confidence from our traditional school experience. We completed the math worksheet in record time, won the Spelling Bee, and read above our grade level. And that felt so good! We were flying high seeing those As and that 4.0 GPA! We were unstoppable! The smartest person alive!!!
And then we got an A minus and that bloated self-esteem withered into rejection.
In the "real world" we have to know how to self-evaluate and adjust without comment from a teacher or authority figure. We have to be able to function without instruction, or constant comparison to our peers. We have to be able to dream up our own goals, plans and ideas and find the courage to achieve them.
Success Journaling is a key component to finding the inner voice that gives approval and guidance!
It also gives the practical component of honing basic writing skills and tracking daily activities!!
Next: Find your Success Mentor
Your Success Mentor is someone from the community (not your mom or dad) who has a job or business related to your passions and interests. This person is willing to talk shop for about an hour every week!