Approach to Education
Win Room School House boosts confidence by inspiring students to set and achieve goals, setting their own pace for life-long learning.
Educational Approach
The traditional academic model is obsolete, and yet people have continued to succeed with or without school. At Win Room School House we have pulled the secrets of success into an exciting educational culture available to all students and families.
Students are not only prepared for the future, but they are allowed to succeed through:
Self-Directed Learning
Students begin their membership with an informal interview to map out their interests, ambitions and goals. Teachers function more like Life Coaches, and assist in creating a plan to reach these goals. Upon arrival and departure each day, students notate their progress in their Goal Books. The Goal Book is a tool that can be used immediately and into adulthood to achieve goals and measure personal success.
When a student reviews his/her goals each day the curriculum needs to be relevant. At Win Room School House students are learning the foundational basics of writing, reading and math in order to track and reach their goals. Members propel into learning art, language, science and more, as these topics apply to their interests.
Success Mentors
We believe that students are positively influenced by spending time with successful community mentors. Each student is matched with a mentor who exhibits a level of success in finances, physical health, and/or emotional well-being. Our mentors keep us connected to the community and ensure that Win Room School House students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and connections to be successful this year and into adulthood.
Win Room School House instills an atmosphere of emotional safety and mutual respect. Students are taught and empowered to use self-governance to solve problems individually and as a group.
To experience success this year and beyond, students need a strong foundation of writing, reading and math, fueled by their unique interests and goals.
Win Room School House Learning Trajectory
Win Room School House is a year-round program offering continuous learning and a sustainable schedule.
Interview: Students are interviewed upon enrollment and throughout the year so staff and mentors have a clear understanding of interests, goals, strengths and weaknesses, and how best to encourage and assist. The Interview also ensures educational benchmarks are being met.
Success Journal: When goals and interests are the engine driving a student’s education, there are no limits to what can be achieved. The Goal Book ensures that progress and learning are properly documented.
Mentors: Students spend time with their Success Mentors at school and in the community, sharing ideas, working on projects, and even getting on-the-job training.
Year-Round: Students move from grade level to grade level in different subject areas according to their interests and goals, and not according to age or time of year. With a sustainable, consistent schedule, students are allowed to excel rapidly and enter college early or focus on business and creative ventures.
Win Room School House Student Objectives
Win Room School House guides students in setting objectives that lead to success:
Happiness: Setting goals and bringing awareness related to Exercise, Diet/Nutrition, Time in Nature, Contribution/Service, Relationships, Recreation, Stress Management, and Spiritual Fulfillment.
Expertise: Students build confidence, knowledge and real-world skills by putting extensive time into an area of interest.
Usefulness: Every day knowledge and skills are learned, practiced and shared individually and as a group.
These objectives draw from a variety of standards and metrics as a framework for instructional design, including Common Core, National Council of the Teachers of Mathematics, Next Generation Science Standards, as well as principles by Napoleon Hill, Josh Waitzkin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Timothy Ferriss, Robert Kiyosaki and Louise Hay.
A few of our Curriculum Resources
Everyday Mathematics
Singapore Math
First in Math
Beast Academy
Reading and Writing Project
6+1 Traits
Handwriting Without Tears
Sitton Spelling
Word Skills
Student-Created Curriculum
Teacher-Created Curriculum
Mentor-Created Curriculum
Free to Learn by Peter Gray
Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
How Children Learn by John Holt
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting by Brene Brown
The Science of Happiness by Stefan Klein
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Students self-assess each day in their Goal Books. Students also spend one-on-one time each day with their teacher to assess bigger benchmarks. Mentors assist in assessing entrepreneurial and real-world skills.
College-bound students are given opportunities to practice and take the ACT and SAT exams.
Co-Curricular Activities
Win Room School House offers a flexible schedule to allow for co-curricular, extra-curricular and business-related ventures. Students and mentors are encouraged to work together to invite instructors from the community for additional training and supplemental activities. Activities might include Yoga, Voice Lessons, Toastmasters, Meditation and Robotics.
The Classroom
Win Room School House brings the one-room school house model into the Modern Era.
Win Room offers a spacious one-room open area with multiple learning stations. Students move from station to station according to their goals; working individually, as a team, and one-on-one with a teacher.
Students are grouped K-5th grade with up to 12 students per teacher. With the age span, students become teachers and practice partners.
Students are required to have on average 4 hours per day of learning time. Students and parents are allowed to create their own best schedule with flexible arrival (9am-10am) and departure times (2pm-5pm). Students may take advantage of the extended day and bank “vacation” time or advance into the next grade level.
Applied Inspiration
We believe a quality education allows a student to apply knowledge and skills today and into the future.
Our one-room school house approach is based on the principle that children want to learn and achieve, and that with access to resources, respect for their interests, and positive guidance—there is no limit to the potential. Our goal is to give students the platform needed to create, dream and become the problem-solvers of today and into the future. Local business owners take an active role in the success of students and the school, and parents are always welcome to participate and inspire (or be inspired). Win Room School House is a community resource, serving as a think tank for innovative ideas, and setting the bar high for excellence.
Continuous Innovation
We don’t believe in being the best; we believe in constantly exploring ways to be better.
Our greatest resource is the collective brain power of the students at Win Room School House. We see that our students have innovative solutions for individual, classroom, school-wide and community problems. Student feedback is sought out, and students may serve as active decision makers for the school.
Win Room School House is reinventing education; you and your child are invited to join the innovation.
Educational Approach
The traditional academic model is obsolete, and yet people have continued to succeed with or without school. At Win Room School House we have pulled the secrets of success into an exciting educational culture available to all students and families.
Students are not only prepared for the future, but they are allowed to succeed through:
Self-Directed Learning
Students begin their membership with an informal interview to map out their interests, ambitions and goals. Teachers function more like Life Coaches, and assist in creating a plan to reach these goals. Upon arrival and departure each day, students notate their progress in their Goal Books. The Goal Book is a tool that can be used immediately and into adulthood to achieve goals and measure personal success.
When a student reviews his/her goals each day the curriculum needs to be relevant. At Win Room School House students are learning the foundational basics of writing, reading and math in order to track and reach their goals. Members propel into learning art, language, science and more, as these topics apply to their interests.
Success Mentors
We believe that students are positively influenced by spending time with successful community mentors. Each student is matched with a mentor who exhibits a level of success in finances, physical health, and/or emotional well-being. Our mentors keep us connected to the community and ensure that Win Room School House students are equipped with the knowledge, skills and connections to be successful this year and into adulthood.
Win Room School House instills an atmosphere of emotional safety and mutual respect. Students are taught and empowered to use self-governance to solve problems individually and as a group.
To experience success this year and beyond, students need a strong foundation of writing, reading and math, fueled by their unique interests and goals.
Win Room School House Learning Trajectory
Win Room School House is a year-round program offering continuous learning and a sustainable schedule.
Interview: Students are interviewed upon enrollment and throughout the year so staff and mentors have a clear understanding of interests, goals, strengths and weaknesses, and how best to encourage and assist. The Interview also ensures educational benchmarks are being met.
Success Journal: When goals and interests are the engine driving a student’s education, there are no limits to what can be achieved. The Goal Book ensures that progress and learning are properly documented.
Mentors: Students spend time with their Success Mentors at school and in the community, sharing ideas, working on projects, and even getting on-the-job training.
Year-Round: Students move from grade level to grade level in different subject areas according to their interests and goals, and not according to age or time of year. With a sustainable, consistent schedule, students are allowed to excel rapidly and enter college early or focus on business and creative ventures.
Win Room School House Student Objectives
Win Room School House guides students in setting objectives that lead to success:
Happiness: Setting goals and bringing awareness related to Exercise, Diet/Nutrition, Time in Nature, Contribution/Service, Relationships, Recreation, Stress Management, and Spiritual Fulfillment.
Expertise: Students build confidence, knowledge and real-world skills by putting extensive time into an area of interest.
Usefulness: Every day knowledge and skills are learned, practiced and shared individually and as a group.
These objectives draw from a variety of standards and metrics as a framework for instructional design, including Common Core, National Council of the Teachers of Mathematics, Next Generation Science Standards, as well as principles by Napoleon Hill, Josh Waitzkin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Timothy Ferriss, Robert Kiyosaki and Louise Hay.
A few of our Curriculum Resources
Everyday Mathematics
Singapore Math
First in Math
Beast Academy
Reading and Writing Project
6+1 Traits
Handwriting Without Tears
Sitton Spelling
Word Skills
Student-Created Curriculum
Teacher-Created Curriculum
Mentor-Created Curriculum
Free to Learn by Peter Gray
Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
How Children Learn by John Holt
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Glow Kids by Nicholas Kardaras
The Gifts of Imperfect Parenting by Brene Brown
The Science of Happiness by Stefan Klein
The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
Students self-assess each day in their Goal Books. Students also spend one-on-one time each day with their teacher to assess bigger benchmarks. Mentors assist in assessing entrepreneurial and real-world skills.
College-bound students are given opportunities to practice and take the ACT and SAT exams.
Co-Curricular Activities
Win Room School House offers a flexible schedule to allow for co-curricular, extra-curricular and business-related ventures. Students and mentors are encouraged to work together to invite instructors from the community for additional training and supplemental activities. Activities might include Yoga, Voice Lessons, Toastmasters, Meditation and Robotics.
The Classroom
Win Room School House brings the one-room school house model into the Modern Era.
Win Room offers a spacious one-room open area with multiple learning stations. Students move from station to station according to their goals; working individually, as a team, and one-on-one with a teacher.
Students are grouped K-5th grade with up to 12 students per teacher. With the age span, students become teachers and practice partners.
Students are required to have on average 4 hours per day of learning time. Students and parents are allowed to create their own best schedule with flexible arrival (9am-10am) and departure times (2pm-5pm). Students may take advantage of the extended day and bank “vacation” time or advance into the next grade level.
Applied Inspiration
We believe a quality education allows a student to apply knowledge and skills today and into the future.
Our one-room school house approach is based on the principle that children want to learn and achieve, and that with access to resources, respect for their interests, and positive guidance—there is no limit to the potential. Our goal is to give students the platform needed to create, dream and become the problem-solvers of today and into the future. Local business owners take an active role in the success of students and the school, and parents are always welcome to participate and inspire (or be inspired). Win Room School House is a community resource, serving as a think tank for innovative ideas, and setting the bar high for excellence.
Continuous Innovation
We don’t believe in being the best; we believe in constantly exploring ways to be better.
Our greatest resource is the collective brain power of the students at Win Room School House. We see that our students have innovative solutions for individual, classroom, school-wide and community problems. Student feedback is sought out, and students may serve as active decision makers for the school.
Win Room School House is reinventing education; you and your child are invited to join the innovation.